President Dieter F Uchtdorf said:
If life and its rushed pace and many stresses have made it difficult for you to feel like rejoicing, then perhaps now is a good time to refocus on what matters most.
I have been reflecting on this wonderful statement for the past couple of days. Sometimes I totally feel like life is getting out of hand. Everything about my life is run here, and go there. Take girls dance, to choir, to piano, go to work, travel several hours for a business meeting, run all night on the ambulance. I never seem to slow down. I remember a statement that I once heard about how pleased Satan is when he can convince any of the daughters of God to be involved in too many good things. I suspect, if that is the case, he is much more pleased with me than I would like.
I know that I am one of those busy women who live life at a rushed pace. I know that it is difficult to feel like rejoicing where there are so many things left undone. Too many good things? I always thought we were supposed to be involved in good things. Sometimes, I am even afraid that good things will be the deciding factor for me in whether or not I get to live with our Heavenly Father. I seem to feel in the very depths of my soul that I NEED to be filled up with doing good things.
To realize that I can be doing too many good things is a brand new concept for me. That by filling my life with good things, I may, in reality be keeping myself from doing the best things.
The story of Mary and Martha comes to mind. Martha was not a bad woman. She was just filled with a need to be busy. She was filled with the need to do too many good things. Keeping your house clean is not a bad thing. But choosing to do that over listening to the Savior was not the best choice she could have made. Martha and I are very well aquainted. I think we are probably a lot alike. She is one woman in the scriptures that I can totally identfy with. I understand her need. I understand her desire to do well. Most of all, I see a little bit of her in me. I know that she was a righteous woman who did not know how to slow down, relax and listen to the Savior; He who would make a difference in her life.
I am learning that strength doesn't come from frantic activity in our lives. It comes as we simplify our lives and pay attention to the things that matter most of all. It comes as we remember our Savior and reach out to grasp His hand. He is there for each one of us. I have received a very strong impression that I need to simplify so that I can find Him. Only in slowing down, will I be able to see Him beckon to me. Only when I am calm and at peace will I hear His voice and be able to listen to His direction. I can only find Him after I have set aside my need to be everything, and realize that without Him I am truly nothing at all.

Patty Ann is a busy mother, grandmother, and wife. She lives her life in the woods she loves up on the top of a beautiful mountain. She loves music, photography and writing. Most of all she loves her Heavenly Father and enjoys writing about his influence in her life. You can find her on her blog at Pitterle Postings