Here are all of the fun things we found this past week:
Have you joined Pintrest yet? Oh me oh my! This is my new favorite addiction! I have literally THOUSANDS of websites that I have bookmarked on my desktop, but then I forget what specifically it was that I loved about the website and its all just a crazy hot mess. Pintrest makes it so you can PIN the actual article or picture that you are in love with. AND THEN SHARE IT! No more random blogs bookmarked only to be forgotten. I can see exactly what I'm loving AND put it all into categories. Join pintrest (It's free) and you can see all the stuff we're loving, too.
Or just check out the links below:
American Muslim Mom
I sort of want these shoes.
Thrift Store Shopping Dos and Don'ts
I'm making this for FHE next week!
Holiday Hair How-tos
I want every single one of these pillows!
Extreme Couponing
Word Art is my weakness. Check out this one and this one (from kind over matter)
Lemons & Clothing
In A Creative Rut? (yes i
Are You Treading Water?
I love this Life Hacker idea so much I may have already used it!
Mortgage Woes
Spruce up your summer sandals
Looking for a Job