The July 2011 Visiting Teaching Printable is ready for download!
This month’s message can be found by clicking here, and is called Come To the Temple and Claim Your Blessings.
Printables are sized to fit standard 8.5 x 11 letter sized paper. We have 4 different printables for you to choose from: the Mesa, Arizona temple; the San Diego, California temple; the Salt Lake City, Utah temple; and the Washington DC temple. Each printable comes with a quarter page and full sheet printable.
We also have an extra full sheet printable that includes all four temples.
Click here to download the Mesa, Arizona temple printable.
Click here to download the San Diego, California temple printable.
Click here to download the Salt Lake City, Utah temple printable.
Click here to download the Washington DC temple printable.
Click here to download the Full Sheet Variety Printable that includes all four temples.
Now get out there and get your Visiting Teaching done!
Caroline & Elisa