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Free 2014 Primary Theme Printables

For everyone who are as big of procrastinators as we are, or are still looking for some 2014 Primary Theme printables before this Sunday, we have you covered!  And, technically, you still have 2 days to print these, so it's not really like we procrastinated putting them online......right?

The 2014 Primary Theme is "Families are Forever" so each of our printables features a temple and this year's coordinating scripture.  And, in case anyone is wondering, that is the Rome temple due to be finished in a couple of years....ish.  (My husband drew it for us, because he's one of the architects working on that's kind of awesome, so I just needed to mention it at least once....maybe twice, if I can work it in somehow.)

So hop on over to our printables section and nab these files, and come Sunday your Primary room is going to look FABULOUS!

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