Normally our floor doesn't reflect. It's just your average, everyday, dull, non-reflecting linoleum.
Well, except when it's buried under half an inch of water.
I know, you're jealous.
I mean, it's not like
everybody has their own personal, indoor reflecting pool!
Maybe next time I'll just turn on the shower and sell tickets for our
"No-Sunburn Splash Park"!
A spin in the toilet would cost extra though.
It's the quiet, innocent looking ones you have to watch out for.
You know?
Serene is a mom of four with baby five on the way. She pretends that having her kids close together is super easy, but her secret stash of chocolate would convince you otherwise. She blogs over at Serene is my name, not my life! She is also a freelance artist so be sure to view her Portfolio Page!