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Word to your Mother

We have decided that we should give you a weekly dose of our genius. Because, you know, we make decisions like that sometimes. So GET READY readers, because we are about to BLOW. YOUR. MINDS. (or not. we mostly want you to feel like you're part of our great big inside joke called life.) 

When you're at the drive thru, don't buy drinks. Ask for ice water. Kids will drink anything that has a straw, and most establishments will happily give you ice water, which comes in a cup, with a straw, FOR FREE. And when you have a big family, that will easily save you, like, ten bucks. Ice water. Ask for it. 

ALSO: ChicFilA has kid straws... that bend. Because you know you hate it when you have a teeny tiny cup with a gigantic straw. That's just asking for someone to get stabbed in the back of the throat. 

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