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We have a treat for you!! LDS pianist and composer William Joseph is performing at an Exclusive House
Concert tomorrow (Wed 3/28). It's invite only at a swanky home in Highland, Utah at 7:30 p.m. We are giving away 4 tickets (reserved seating).

 If you have a blog, we have 2 additional tickets that we will give you and we'll even include TWO copies of William's new CD of hymns called "Be Still" that you can get autographed (1 for you + 1 to give away on your blog).

We will promote your blog post on MMB's blog and Facebook page as well as on yourLDSradio's Facebook page.

Seriously Guys! THE PUBLICITY! And, a swanky cool Exclusive Concert to boot! 

To enter, please leave a comment on this post and state how many tickets you'd like. If you're a blogger, leave your blog URL. Winners will be announced tomorrow morning.

 Here's a video of William playing from his new CD. Now, Go Forth and Enter!

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