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FOUR - $50 Amazon Gift Cards to Giveaway!

As you know, the 1940's census is being released on April 2nd and Family Search is trying to get bloggers excited about this super cool project. It is the nations largest community service project and to help you and I get excited so that we will spread the word they are giving away FOUR $50.00 Amazon Gift Cards this Friday, March 16th.

Right now, your chances of winning are SUPERB because very few people have entered to win (read: 7). And, we want one of OUR readers to walk away with those swanky little gift cards.

What do you have to do to enter to win?

1. Sign up to be a 1940's Blog Ambassador.
  • That means that you get swanky cool buttons to put on your blog! 
  • You get insider information about the census and what awesome giveaways Family Search is sponsoring. 
  • Also, by being an Ambassador you can win MORE amazing prizes -- think iPad and Kindle Fire, people. 
  • ITS FREE and it's just a super cool title to have. Being a Blog Ambassador is all the rage, yo. 
2. Write a post about the 1940's on your blog. It can be about anything - the music, transportation, the war-- whatever you want and then hop over and leave a link to your post in their comments. And, just for kicks, tell 'em MMB sent you.

3. That's it. You will then be entered to win 1 of 4 $50 AMAZON gift cards!

Here's the thing: Family Search understands the power that we bloggers have and they want us to help get people excited to find their family members in the 1940's census. Even if you don't like to do Family History, you like free stuff, right? So, why not help them out for the next few weeks and win all sorts of cool prizes?

I know for sure that next week Blog Ambassadors will have the chance to not only win a brand, spanking new Amazon Kindle Fire, but they also have the chance to win a $100 Visa Gift Card or a $50 Visa Gift Card.

 They are going all out people (I even heard rumblings of iPad giveaways)! They want to get people talking about the 1940's and those people winning those prizes? Let's make sure it's one of us Mormon Mommy Bloggers.

Chances are pretty good you could have $50 bucks in your pocket this Friday so hurry up! Go forth and enter! Those $50 Gift Cards are calling your name(s).

Click here to go sign up to be a Blog Ambassador.

Click here to enter to win 1 of 4 $50.00 Amazon Gift Cards.

Giveaway ends midnight on Thursday, March 15th MDT.

Disclosure: We are just spreading the good news of this contest. We have not entered to win.

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