I have been serving as the Primary Pianist for a while now. I love it. So easy. Get in. Get out. "Wham bam thank you maam" kinda calling, you know? But it does have it's moments. And here are a few for your reading pleasure.
Then we have Josie.
She....oh wait. She's good. Doesn't have issues at all with me in Primary.
We're cool, Josie Jo and I. Next child.
Hannah. Oh my
Hannah. She's at that in between phase where she's not a sweet lil' girl
anymore, but not a true full fledged teenage gal either. It's the "awkward
phase" in all its forms, including socially with a capital "S". It's as if she
has a form of autism, but she's not autistic. (Believe me, I've asked her
doctor about it and he has reassured me she is not on the spectrum whatsoever.
She's just your typical, untypical "Hannah Banana".) I swear that girl raises
her hand during Sharing time and gives the weirdest answers to gospel questions
I've ever heard. They usually are spot on, but her delivery is way off. Like
when the question was asked by a Primary counselor, "What are some ways we can
be honest in our lives?" and Hannah's hand shoots up in the air as if her life
depended on it, followed by the answer, "We shouldn't cheat on tests at school
because your neighbor may be dumb and have the wrong answers." Or when the
question was asked, "What are some commandments we have been asked to follow?"
and while other sweet primary children answers were your normal "do not steal"
and "do not lie", Hannah again blasts her hand into the air with, "Oh! Thou
shalt not commit adultery!" The adult leaders looked at me with suppressed
smiles with that one as I hung my head and said to myself, "Yep. That's my
girl. Had to pull out the sexual answer that's making all the sunbeams now ask
their teacher, "What's adultery?" But I love her. She drives me insane. But I
couldn't picture my life without her in it for one millisecond.
When all is said and
done, I love being able to be a part of my kids lives in Primary. Never a dull
moment with those ones. They are a true reflection of their Dad.
'wink wink'
*picture self owned