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FREE January 2013 Visiting Teaching Printable

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The January 2013 Visiting Teaching Message is titled: Missionary Work

"We don't need a formal mission call to share the gospel. Others whose lives will be blessed by the gospel surround us, and as we prepare ourselves, the Lord will use us. Visiting teachers can embrace their spiritual responsibilities and help 'bring to pass the immortality and eternal lief of man'"    

I love the thought behind this month's message. I 100% believe that sharing the gospel is natural and gets easier as you become more like Christ. A long time ago in Relief Society, the teacher likened missionary work to brownies. Some people like brownies with nuts, some without, some like it with marshmallows, and other people want blondies instead of brownies.... whatever your "taste", the gospel of Jesus Christ has the perfect recipe for you, you just have to be willing to try it. Happy Visiting! ~Caroline

There are two options for download, a digital PDF, or as an image. The PDF is an 8.5x11 digital file that can be printed at home very easily. The image file is for those of you who like to print things at Costco and whatnot.


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