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FREE February 2013 Visiting Teaching Printable

Digital PDF         |        Image File 
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This month's Visiting Teaching Message is titled: Converted unto the Lord

"It takes attentive friends to make new members feel comfortable and welcomed at church."

"Capture the vision that the Relief Society... can become [one of] the most powerful friendshipping resouces[s] we have in the Church. Reach out early to those being taught and reactivated, and love them into the Church through your organization." 

This months message really hit home with me. I just moved into a branch, and I don't live close to many people. Outside of my family, sometimes the only interaction I have with people comes from attending Church on Sunday. It is SO important to reach out to women in your ward. If you see a new face, introduce yourself. If someone is sitting on their own, take the chair next to them. I know it can be scary to say hello to new people, but it will enrich your life so much if you put forth the effort.  ~ Caroline

There are two options for download, a digital PDF, or as an image. The PDF is an 8.5x11 digital file that can be printed at home very easily. The image file is for those of you who like to print things at Costco and whatnot. 


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