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Primary Presentation Invitation - Editable Printable

The final quarter of the year is already upon us!

I like to get pass-along cards printed which invite non-member friends and family to attend the Primary Presentation. Our branch's sacrament meeting Primary Presentation has the highest attendance for the year, each year, without fail.  If you tell a nana their grandbaby is going to get up and publicly do anything, it's pretty safe to say she'll be there.  Family or no, I think it is hard to refuse children singing and sharing, and it is such non-threatening content for an investigating friend.

Here's an image of postcard design I'm having professionally printed, double-sided on card:

This design has been made to match this year's program, and is available for your use -- simply edit to include your branch or ward's details on the central bar.  I added an excerpt from's "Haven't attended our meetings before?" and a map to the chapel's location on the reverse, but you could add whatever you like.

Click here to be taken to a Google Documents download page where you can grab a PSD copy of this file you may edit.

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Angela Noelle

Like many others, Angela Noelle waved fare-thee-well to her previous playgrounds (the classroom, office and art gallery) in favour of drinking in every delicious moment of motherhood on offer. Now she juggles that privilege with her nesting instincts, design projects, churchy responsibilities, book reviews, and the need to straighten things. You can read more from a Mormon Mum in New Zealand over at Angela Noelle's blog, Striking Keys.

Enjoy shopping for quality baby clothing at

