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Best Post Ever! (this week)

Happy Friday blog friends! We're having a great week at MMB, and hope that yours is going just as well!

If you happen to be AT RootsTech, you might see Melissa, who is representing MMB at this event. Be sure to say hello and give her a high five!

Now on to the link party! What have you been doing this week? Have you made something awesome? Did you have a lightbulb moment? Maybe you're just plugging along in life and want to meet some new friends... Whatever's going on with you, we want to know!

Link up your best blog post ever (this week) below and be sure to stop by a say hello to a few other linkers! (if you're reading this is a blog reader, you'll have to click over to the site to see all the links!

Enjoy shopping for quality baby clothing at

