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Roots Tech 2013: Free Printables

Some great things were said during the first day of Roots Tech 2013, and you know how we love to make printables from great sayings.  So here you go - a couple of my favorite moments from the day.  I hope they inspire you as much as they do me.

I love making family history about stories, so when I heard "you have stories that are waiting to be uncovered" I absolutely HAD to make a printable of it.  You can download it for free in our printables section.

I caught the end of an amazing class by DeNae Handy about the journey of self-discovery, and how blogging can create a record of the big and small moments in our lives that shape who we are as complex individuals.  At the end of her class, DeNae said "when you feel like fate is writing your story, grab that pen and write your own chapter", which it inspires me more than I can say.  So you can also download that for free in our printables section.

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