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He is Risen

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I've been trying to think of a way to put into words, what Easter means to me.

Hope. Renewal. Strength. 

These words don't adequately suit the feeling in my heart as I remember everything the Savior has done for me.

Because of Him, I have an eternal family. 

Because of Him, I get to feel joy in my life each day. 

Because of Him, I get to celebrate holidays, and create righteous (and sometimes silly) traditions with my family. 

Easter is this weekend, and we get the chance to go to church, and partake of the sacrament, and be perfect again. I'm so grateful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I'm humbled to know how strongly our Heavenly Father loves us. I'm honored to be part of this plan, and I am diligent in doing all that I can to return to live with Him again. 

Let us remember the true meaning behind the holiday this Sunday. He is risen. 

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