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Family Home Evening Lesson for Mother's Day

The number one rule about this FHE lesson is that it CANNOT be given by mom.  So Dad, kids, Grandpa, whoever, make sure you're doing the preparation and teaching this week.  And make mom's favorite treats while you're at it.....and then clean the kitchen.

FHE Theme: Mothers

Scripture: Exodus 20:12, Proverbs 23: 25, Alma 56:48

Songs: “Mother Dear We Love You So” and "I Often Go Walking" Children’s Songbook.

Preparation: Before the lesson have everyone make special cards for mom.  If you have older kids, make them put some thought into their cards.  For younger kids, you can use our printable Mother's Day cards.  Just print, have your kids color their favorite card, and then fold them to finish.

You will also need to make clues for a treasure hunt.  Think of places that Mom spends a lot of time (kitchen, home office, laundry room, minivan, etc.).  Have each clue lead to the next location.  The last clue should lead to the stash of finished cards for Mom.  Make sure to hide your clues (without Mom knowing) before you begin your lesson.

Story: Read the scriptures listed above, and then read this story to your family: "Friend to Friend- A Mother's Influence" from the April 2007 Friend. Ask your family some questions, such as:

• How did Elder Amado's mother make life happy?

• What was Elder Amado's favorite thing his mother did for him?

• How does our mom make our life happy?

• What is our favorite things that our mom does for us?

• Why are moms important?

Once everyone has answered questions about the story, and Mom has been fully praised, hand out the first clue to your treasure hunt.  Let Mom and the kids find all the clues and the stash of cards. 

Now have each member of your family think of a service they can perform for Mom during the week.  Something to make her job as a care giver a bit easier, perhaps.  Make the deadline for this service Mother's Day so that everyone knows they can't procrastinate too long.

You can also think of a group service project to do for any other mothers that you know.  Whether it's for an overwhelmed new mother who could use some help or a surprise box of diapers, or an old mother whose children have moved away and needs some company and a listening ear.  Make sure that no mother is neglected this week - make as many moms you know feel appreciated and grateful to have your family around!

Finish the lesson by serving Mom's favorite treat.  And then maybe massage her feet and let her watch Netflix while someone washes some dirty socks or something.

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