I have a little family. It consists of me and my wonderful husband. Because of infertility, and the direction our life has taken us, it will be the two of us for many more years to come. I used to be depressed by the thought, not that I don't absolutely love my husband, but that we could not add to that number.
After many years of hardship and contemplation, I have discovered that I am excited about our forever family, just the two of us. I have come to learn more about my Heavenly Father's love for me and my husband.
We are all different. We all have our own unique families filled with individual personalities and relationships. Here are a few things that the Lord has taught me about this amazing unit called family:
- I don't have to be like everyone else. This took time to work through. But the reality is, my path will not be your path. We all have our own path. I had to embrace what that meant for me. For now, that has meant me and my husband make up our family unit.
- I need to enjoy the good stuff! I am so blessed! Aren't we all? I promise that there are blessings everywhere. I would often focus more on what I didn't have, when I should have been focusing on what I did have.
- I have so much time. I didn't realize how much time I was wasting doing things that brought me no joy. I am lucky to have the time to do many things, most women don't have that luxury. I have time to serve, cook, teach, and learn. I definitely have time to do my visiting teaching and work out. Dang! No more excuses there. :)
- I am loved. I am absolutely and unconditionally loved by my Heavenly Father. He cares for me individually. He has provided a way for me to be with my husband forever. He has provided a way for us to increase our family numbers in the life to come. Most of all, I know that He is the only reason that I have made it this far. As I put more and more faith in Him, the more peace and love I feel in my own heart.
At the end of the day, I get on my knees and that my Heavenly Father for the chance to be together forever. The beauty of it is that we don't have to be alone. Whether we have one person, or fifty, we are blessed. Everyday, as I look at my husband, I am grateful for this lesson.
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Kelly is a blogger, teacher, and infertility advocate/educator. Find her infertility support group at conceivablehope.com and follow her personal blog at givingwhatiam.blogspot.com.