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Survival Tips

I may not know much. And perhaps some might argue that I don't know anything. But I like to think that I've learned a thing or two in my limited experience as a wife and mother.

- Never clean the floor before dinner.

- Explain to your husband that if his socks are inside out or scrunched in a ball, they will not get washed.

- It's okay to have a secret candy stash that even your husband doesn't know about.

- Never leave a box of Cheerios unattended.

- Keeping the diaper pail outside greatly improves the smell of your house.
- Never wear white or black. White shows hand prints, foot prints, and all other dirt smudges and food stains. Black shows all the snot that gets wiped on you, as well and any light colored food that gets stuck to you.

- Chocolate cures everything, except messes.

- As the adult, crying is acceptable.

- Speaking and smiling through clenched teeth during times of destruction, really helps with the crying rate in children.

- Inform your husband early on that in order to ensure the survival and happiness of all family members, he is responsible for getting up with the kids at night.

- Accept the fact that potty training has consequences. The reward comes much later.

- Never look at a full length mirror while pregnant. Or immediately after giving birth.

- Look at baby pictures often; it helps you decide to keep them.

What are some of your survival tips?


Serene is a chocolate eating, gospel loving, high heel wearing, stay at home mom of four of the cutest little monsters you will ever see. She blogs at Serene is my name, not my life!. Serene is also a talented artist; you can view some of her work here.

Photo by Wikipedia

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