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From Mother to Mentor, From Father to Coach

mother to mentor father to coach bethany williamsI love this book.
I really, truly do.
It is an amazing resource for parents, and here’s why:
Bethany Williams is REAL. She’s a REAL mom, who gives REAL advice and strategies for parenting, and she has a sense of humor about it all.
She says parenting is a battle, and you need a plan. You need real life strategies and support, and more importantly, that you are not alone.
“I have never met a parent who said that they successfully got their child through their teen years and off to adulthood without one single battle. The most frustrating part of the journey is that even parents quite close to you will keep silent about the struggles they are facing with their teen. It can feel like you are on this journey alone. Rest assured, you are NOT on the journey alone. Others may not want to discuss it freely, but many are struggling right along with you.”
From Mother to Mentor and Father to Coach is a practical guidebook that starts at the beginning. She dares to ask WHO do you want your children to be? And then she offers step by step advice that will help your children grow into the people that you want them to be. (YES!)
“If they are getting bad grades and misusing privileges, they they should lose some of their rights. If you continue to allow them all of their rights despite their inability to handle their responsibilities, then you are preparing them for heartache later in life… rights and responsibilities are inextricably linked.”
Bethany takes your hand, and navigates you through the rights and responsibilities of your child. She stresses the importance of a mandatory family time (but it should not be used as discipline!)  She talks about money, and how your children can learn to use it. She says you should figure out what motivates your child (money, video games, phone time, etc.) and align incentives based on their motivators; for example, if your child can keep their grades up (and she says that instead of saying “get straight A’s” that you make sure your child is doing the best they can, according to their abilities), then they can earn an incentive such as an extracurricular activity.
Children are required to participate at home. They need to pitch in. They need to do laundry. They need to cook dinner… and you need to let them.
“When you give your children everything they want… you don’t think about how frustrated they could be as they grow up, not understanding or knowing how to create the life that they want.”
I found myself nodding along as I read, and was very impressed with her practical parenting solutions.
You should definitely check this book out, (on second thought, you should probably just buy it) because you will use it as a reference.
Like I said, LOVE.
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Caroline is the managing editor of MMB. She knows that she shouldn’t start her sentences with “and” but refuses to conform. She likes to draw cartoons and talk about life in general at The Bingham Diaries.

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