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Meet our Sponsor - The Mormon Channel

We are so excited to announce our newest sponsor: The Mormon Channel! You may have noticed their button over there at the top right of the blog -- click over and check it out!

The Mormon Channel is so much more than just a live streaming radio station. You will find Mormon Messages, Podcasts, live radio Mobil Apps and iTunes. You can listen not only from your computer, but from your phones.

There are Apps you can download along with fantastic podcasts-- like the one we were apart of back in October.

One of our favorite podcasts that our little kids love to listen to is called Scripture Stories. It is a podcast where there are several children and one adult and they read the scriptures together and then talk about what they read. Our little ones absolutely LOVE listening to it! They even interweave primary songs into it-- it is a fantastic way to spend Breakfast time-- Listening to Scripture Stories read by children!

We also love to listen to the Relief Society Podcast because you can listen to the actual Visiting Teaching Message! How cool is that?

Converstaions is another really good podcast-- It's conversations with people of interest to the LDS community—General Authorities, Auxiliary leaders, and faithful Latter-day Saints. One of our favorites is the one with Elder Bednar.

They also have the church magazines in podcast form.

You can listen to the shows live, or download them as podcasts-- which is what we like to do. It's a nice diversion when we are working on MMB to listen to a show from The Mormon Channel.

We're so excited to be working with The Mormon Channel and can't wait to tell you more about this fantastic website! We want to encourage you all to take the time check out their site-- and tell your friends about it, too!  It's not your Grandma's Radio Station, that's for sure!

For more information on our sponsor, The Mormon Channel, Please visit their website:

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