My fourth child was born prematurely.
She came into the world 8 weeks early, and spent a few weeks in the NICU, learning to breathe and eat on her own.
And she did it all wearing itsy bitsy, teeny tiny, Pampers diapers.
So when Pampers told us that they were turning FIFTY this year, and they were celebrating by sharing random acts of kindness around the world, I said YES, I would LOVE to be involved.
Pampers sent me a $50 American Express Gift Card so that I could perform a random act of kindness for a new or expecting mom.
The months leading up to the birth of my daughter were stressful. I had three kids at home, all under the age of three, and they required a lot of help. I was on full bed rest, taking a cocktail of prescription medications, trying to make it through each day.
Family and friends would come to my home, make my dinners, clean my bathrooms, wash my laundry… It was when I really began to appreciate the Relief Society for all that they did.
When we finally got to bring Taylor home from the hospital, a whole new set of problems cropped up. Mostly because, I had four children, who were 0, 1, 2, and 3 year olds, and I couldn’t find 2 minutes in the day to have a shower. I can’t tell you how many times my husband would get home from work, I would be exhausted, dinner wouldn’t even be started, and there we would be, in our pajamas, the house torn to pieces, and I KNEW that I had been busy all day, but I didn’t know WHAT exactly I had been doing. (And I have to admit, that I still have days like this)
So for my random act of kindness, this is what I did:
I have a neighbor that has just had her first baby. He is oh so cute, and oh so tiny, and I can see the exhaustion behind her smile. I can see it, because I have been there.
So I went to her house, knocked on the door, and said, “Would you like me to sit on your couch, and hold your baby, while you have a shower?”
And after she got over the shock of that statement, she said “YES. Thank you.”
And while she was in the shower, I held the baby with one hand, and straightened up the house with the other. I washed the bottles in the sink, and started a load in the dishwasher.
Thirty minutes later, when she came back downstairs, I asked her what her favorite dinner was, and I made sure that’s what she got to eat that night, WITH dessert.
Later, she asked me how I knew that she needed help. I told her it’s because I’ve been there.
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Pampers is giving one MMB reader a $50 American Express Gift Card and a challenge to Pay-It-Forward.
The Pampers Little Miracle Missions is a program that encourages people to help each other in FUN, UNEXPECTED ways. It can be as simple as letting a new mom take that shower she needs, or providing dinner for her. You can purchase diapers for a family, or make blankets for the babies in the NICU. It really is up to you how you choose to spread the love.
TO ENTER: Leave a comment and tell us how YOU would pay it forward.
Contest will end Tuesday, May 24th at midnight EST. One entry per person. Winner will be notified via email, so please include your contact information in your comment. Giveaway Terms and Conditions apply.
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Disclosure: MMB received a $50 American Express gift card, which was used to purchase dinner and dessert for a new mom and her family. thoughts and opinions and the decision to use the $50 in that way, are our own.