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Who Wants to Party like its 1999 with Julie from LeeLou Blogs?

You know those amazeballs printables that Caroline is always making for you guys? Well our e-bestie Julie, from LeeLou Blogs is teaching a class in SLC on March 31 from 9:00am - 5:00pm at the SLC Public Libray.

If you attend her workshop she will show you guys how to make your very own swanky cool Printables.

See, the software that WE use is My Memories and that's what she is going to be teaching people how to use!

She is also going to be teaching people how to use this software so that they can then create their very own BLOG DESIGNS!



How many of you have been dying to learn how to make your own blog designs? Well. Now is your chance to learn from the master!

Dig it?

Wanna dig it even more?

She created a super awesome Promo Code for MMB Readers who register for the class and you get $10.00 off your registration fee AND a free download of the software. You also receive a free breakfast AND lunch + tons of giveaways.  Plus there are other classes you can attend-- like an awesome photography class taught by an even more awesomer photographer!

Check it out, get your ticket and come hang with us.

 Make sure you use the Promo Code: MMWORKSHOPSLC when you register so that you get the $10.00 OFF (making your ticket a cool $45!)

Everyone will be there partying like Rock Stars.

Or like Moms who are on a day out sans the kids!

Whatever. Go Register and then come hang out with us for a day. It's gonna be a scream! 

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