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Book Review - Faithful, Fit, and Fabulous by Connie E. Soko

I don't know if you're like me, but I have shelves full of self-improvement books. Everything from Say No to Diets to Get Organized Creatively. (I really made those up, but I'm sure there are books out there with such titles.) I'm always looking for books that will click, and I'll magically keep weight off and my house will be clean all the time. So when I was asked if I would like to review Connie Sokol's new book, Faithful, Fit, and Fabulous: get Back to Basics and Transform Your Life in Just Eight Weeks, I was happy to do so. Maybe what she had to say would help me on my quest to be all that I can be.

This book is full of wonderful hands-on exercises.

Sokol starts with what will help you become more in-tune spiritually by focusing on making goals for prayer, scripture study, and learning to listen to promptings. Then she asks you to create a life plan and actually write that plan in a paragraph. I loved this. Let me tell you why.

For more years than I'd ever admit, I wanted to become an author. I forged ahead writing stories, trying to fit into one genre after another. One day, I sat down and actually wrote a mission statement for my writing. I included what I wanted to accomplish with my writing, what kind of stories I wanted to write, and how I was going to do it. After that my writing was focused, and I was clear on why. When I read the section on writing a life plan in Sokol's book, I knew this was a book that could very well change a person's life because I'd seen how writing a mission statement for my writing had done wonders. Needless to say, I was hooked.

Another reason I enjoyed this book was the stories Sokol included. Many times she tells you what she did wrong, and how she remedied the situation. She made me feel as though she was a friend sharing her life lessons with me and also giving me directions on how I could avoid making similar mistakes. I love how she talks about finding balance in life. And then, she actually provides a plan that can help you see where you're wasting time, and how you can actually find time for yourself without guilt!

But I think the section of the book I enjoyed most was about connecting with those you love. She gives wonderful examples of how to get along with your spouse, your kids, and your friends and how to make those relationships meaningful. And yes, she has a plan to help you do it. I'm honestly going to give this book the eight week try. I think after you read it, you will too.

You can learn more about Connie Sokol by checking out her blog.


Kathi Oram Peterson is the mother of three, grandmother of two and wife of one. She has always loved books, whether she’s reading or writing them. You can read more about her on her blog. Her novels include The Forgotten Warrior (2009), An Angel on Main Street (2009), The Stone Traveler (2010), River Whispers (2011) and Cold Justice (June 2012).

Photo by Marc Reynolds

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