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Book Review - In God Is Our Trust by L.C. Lewis

If you enjoy historical romance, if you enjoy historical fiction about America and our Founding Fathers. and if you enjoy historical fiction that tells a story about the strength and endurance of the early saints in the LDS Church than let me recommend a fantastic new novel, In God Is Our Trust by L.C. Lewis.

Before we go much further let me tell you that the author sent me a pdf copy of this novel before it went to press. After I read it, I was so impressed with the writing and how the many stories within the series came to satisfying conclusions (not all happy-ever-after, but logical and hopeful) that I offered to send her publisher a blurb, which they used. I was delighted that I could help spread the word about this timely novel that makes us appreciate our country and our freedoms.

In God Is Our Trust is a wonderful journey. There were times when I thought I knew what was going to happen and then to my surprise the characters would do something different. I love it when that happens.

I was drawn to the character Hannah as she struggled to come to terms with many trials. I don't want to ruin the book for you, but the growth of this character is gripping. I'm sure many mothers who have gone through similar trials will identify with her needs and will eagerly read on to see what she does.

Jed is a hero determined to do what he feels is right for not only his family, but for his friends and for his country. Yes, he has his faults, however, he learns from his mistakes and moves on trying to do better. He's also a man who is true to his word, a very admirable trait not only then, but in today's world as well.

In fact, as I read this book I couldn't help but think of the struggles our nation and the world is going through right now. History is a great teacher. If only we could remember our past and learn from it, how much better off would we be? The reader can't help but think some of the characteristics Lewis gave her fictional characters lived and breathed in the hearts of many of our Founding Fathers. I'm hopeful that these traits also live and breath in our nation's leaders today.

This is a book to cherish, filled with characters who struggle through life, make mistakes, learn when they stumble, and become stronger because of their faith in God. I highly recommend In God is Our Trust. And I think after reading it, so will you.

You can learn more about L.C. Lewis and her books on her blog.

(I was given a copy of this novel to review, but I reviewed it because I liked it.)

Kathi Oram Peterson is the mother of three, grandmother of two and wife of one. She has always loved books, whether she’s reading or writing them. You can learn more about her on her blog. Her novels include The Forgotten Warrior (2009), An Angel on Main Street (2009), The Stone Traveler (2010), River Whispers (2011) and Cold Justice (June 2012).

Photograph by Marc Reynolds

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