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Family Home Evening about Missionary Work

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If you have a family member or friend leaving on a mission, it's always a great idea to have an FHE lesson on missionary work.  But what about any other time?  After this past General Conference, it's pretty obvious that we should be talking about missionary work ALL THE TIME.  So this is the lesson we'll be having as a family tonight.

FHE Theme: Missionary Work

Scripture: Matthew 28:19, D&C 18:15

Songs: “I Hope They Call Me on a Mission” Children’s Songbook and “I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go” LDS Hymnbook

Story: Not everyone on this planet has the opportunity of being born into the church.  But Heavenly Father loves all of His children and wants them to return to him. So it's our job to make sure everyone has a chance to hear about the Gospel.  When missionaries preach throughout the world they are bringing their spiritual brothers and sisters back to God.  Not only that, but anyone who serves a mission is blessed.  And we can be blessed and help our spiritual brothers and sisters too - without every leaving our own neighborhood!

We don't have to be full time missionaries to help spread the news about the Gospel.  We can invited our friends to church activities.  We can bear our testimony at extended family gatherings that might include nonmembers.  And we can set a good example and share our beliefs online.

If children begin sharing their beliefs at home, they will better be prepared for a full time mission when they are old enough.  (And I'm thinking that senior missionaries can better be prepared if they have practice too.)

This is a great video about the benefits of a full time mission from The Mormon Channel (it’s about 5 minutes long):

After the video discuss missionary goals as a family.  Are the children preparing for missions?  Are mom and dad going to serve a couples mission later in life?  How can we be missionaries right now?

End the lesson with any stories you have from your mission, or your conversion, and by bearing your testimony about the importance of missionary work.

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