I spiritually 'nested'.
But like all pregnancy related 'nesting', my spiritual 'nesting' disappeared.
I never have enough time to do anything lately. Between my current full time job, a home based business, my constantly-on-the-move 8 month old son, and trying to keep my sanity as a wonderful wife... I never have time for anything.
I don't have time to exercise.
I don't have time to read my scriptures.
I don't have time to fold the laundry.
I don't have time to clean the bathroom.
I barely have time to make dinner.
I don't have time to blah blah blah!!!
In Relief Society one Sunday, some of the women were talking about how we need to read our scriptures in front of our children to show and teach them that it's important. They watch what we do. Can we say mimic?! Or monkey-see-monkey-do?! I started feeling guilty. When I get home from work I'm so tired that I have to either turn on something on Netflix or something on the ABC app on our iPad to keep my mind running so I stay awake. It's sad... but we do what we can right?
A few days after that I got this email from the blog The Redheaded Hostess. She always has great spiritually related posts, but that day the post was called How A Busy Mom CAN Study Her Scriptures. I felt that spiritual 'nesting' starting to take place again. Now I have some suggestions on how to make my spiritual 'nesting' a habit and not just a 'nesting' ritual.
I decided that I wanted to find more ways to be able to bring the spirit into my day and help my son start to understand the importance. I downloaded The Mormon Channel app on my phone, and on my commute into work one morning, I actually turned it on.
The first episode was about blogging and how wonderful it is to be able to share our testimonies through daily experiences on our blogs. But the 'show' that really stuck out to me was The Mormon Channel Daily. At the end she talked about the phrase that has been my life for the last several months as you read above...
I don't have time.
The shocking part that really brought everything home was how she turned everything around and explained what we are really telling ourselves and everyone else when you say those four words... That is not a priority.
I didn't even know what to say. My heart kind of sank as I sat back and thought of all the things that I 'don't have time for' and then my heart sank even more as it became very clear that some of my priorities weren't in the right order. I truly may not have time to actually sit down and read my scriptures, but I can keep listening to The Mormon Channel. I can listen to scriptures on my phone. There are other ways around the traditional sit and read when we're busy on the go moms and dads.
This was a real eye opener for me and something that I really needed to learn. I hate saying the phrase 'I don't have time' any more and I swallow it very hard when it does come up and change my wording around.
I hope we all can sit down every so often and re-evaluate what our priorities are so we can maintain happy selves and happy homes!
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Megan has been married to her Knight In Shining Armor for 4 years and is a brand new momma. She loves cooking, baking, photography and music and has time for none of it as she works full time and is striving to find balance in life. She blogs over at The Stoker Kitchen.