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Family Home Evening: Christmas

Song: Joy To The World, hymn 201

Scripture: Luke 2:11

Lesson Ideas:

  • Read the words from the hymn, Joy to the World.  Discuss how you can prepare your hearts to receive Christ. 

  • Retell the story of Christ's birth in your own words. Remind your family that Christmas is about family and service. Discuss how you can continue to serve others throughout the coming year.

  • Talk about your favorite Christmas decorations. Discuss how the decorations are to help remind us of Christ's birth. 
                                                     Bells  =  Sheep bells
                                                     Candy canes  =  Shepherd’s staff
                                                     Lights, candles, star   =  The star that appeared on the night of Jesus’ birth
                                                     Holly  =  The crown of thorns
                                                     Evergreen tree  =  Eternal life
                                                     Green, ivy  =  Life and hope
                                                     Red, holly berries  =  The blood of Christ

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