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March 2014 Visiting Teaching Handout

Happy March! Time for this month's message.

The Divine Mission of Jesus Christ: Light of the World is a beautiful reminder that we should let our light shine, just as Christ's light shines.

"We need to protect our families and be at the forefront together with all people of goodwill in doing everything we can to preserve light, hope, and morality in our communities.” Quentin L. Cook

We are asked to discuss what it means to be a light to the world today, and we are to think about how following the Light of Christ has helped us endure trials.

To grab the handout, click on one of the pictures below! Printable comes in a zipped file and includes both PDF and image files. Handout is available in English, Espanol, and Francois. A blank version is also available for our readers that need another language. Thanks!

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