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Winners, Updates, and all that Good Stuff

Today is the BIG DAY guys. We have a brand new look here at Mormon Mommy Blogs, AND we have a super special surprise (that you'll just have to keep reading for.... only for a minute, though)

First things first, the giveaway winners. We really appreciate everyone who took the time to comment and tell us what you'd like to see. What did you guys suggest most frequently

  1. More Community
  2. To see the Gospel in action
  3. Printables
  4. More consistency from us. 

And guys, we are more than happy to oblige. Every week, we're going to have a different theme, and we'll be focusing our attentions on that subject.

We will also be featuring YOU GUYS each week, so that you can get to know each other a little better. We'll post  all the details on how that is going to work, and show you a little sample, tomorrow.

NOW: Target Giftcard Winners: 

The winners of the $25 Target Giftcard giveaway are: Christi Dalton, Katie Zastrow, and Ann Bills. Thanks to everyone who entered. 

Now onto New Site Business (you're going to LOVE it!) 

Change #1:  See the new content at a glance, because MMB has become more visual. No more scrolling all the way to the bottom of the page, just to see what you want. Like the thumbnail image? Click the picture. You'll be taken directly to the post, easy peasy.

Change #2: Are you looking for a particular post or topic? No problem! Our new search tool makes finding exactly what you need , easier than ever. 

Change #3: Blog Listings are MUCH easier to find. Hover over the categories, and a drop-down menu will appear. 

Change #4: And also probably the most exciting part about the new blog: NEW PRINTABLE SITE. The Visiting Teaching messages will still be on the main blog on the first of every month, but what if you're looking for a Primary lesson? What about Family Home Evening? Need an idea for Young Women's? We GOT YOU COVERED.  If you want to see ALL the printables, then just head over to and be prepared to spend oodles of time. P.S. Everything is free.

Enjoy shopping for quality baby clothing at

