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Reader Spotlight

Starting today, we will be spotlighting YOU GUYS every Tuesday. Actually, that should probably say starting next week, because TODAY, I'm spotlighting myself, so that you can get a feel for how this will work. So without further adieu, readers: Meet Caroline.

Caroline is a 30ish year old wife and mom of four. She's been blogging for 4 years, and has always enjoyed keeping a journal.

Caroline blogs at Mormon Mommy Blogs, Peonies and Poppyseeds, and The Bingham Diaries, where she likes to write about her day to day life. This is to say, she doesn't think her personal blog is particularly "exciting" but she is glad that she keeps it, and uses it to help her remember whether or not someone got their tonsils removed, or just their adenoids. She also wants you to know that she only blogs there about once a week, because she thinks that it's okay to not blog every day. (Not that blogging every day isn't awesome. It totally is. But just do what you can, when you can, and don't worry about it.)

Her favorite scripture is D&C 50:23 "And that which doth not edify is not of God, and is darkness."

You can connect with Caroline via Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.

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