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MMB's Future and A Chance to Win an iPad2

When I inherited (for lack of a better word) Mormon Mommy Blogs from the previous owner, I knew that I wanted to accomplish with it and where I wanted to take it. I wrote Caroline an email-- in the middle of the night-- laying it all out for her and asking her if she was interested in helping me out. I was a little nervous, because we didn't know each other from Adam-- all I knew about her was her amazeballs reputation. 

She wrote back with two sentences: "I love this and where you want to take it. Count me in."

And, that is how our business partnership -- friendship really -- was born.

We were talking yesterday on the phone, and we realized that we have accomplished every single thing that we had written down that we wanted to do with Mormon Mommy Blogs.
  1. We had wanted to make a huge directory of blogs (over 3,500 now listed for your reading pleasure).
  2. We wanted to be the hub for LDS/Christian Women (ranked #49 for Christian Women Bloggers and #7 for LDS Blogs) and to have consistently strong content on our site.
  3. We wanted to interviewed by major news organizations and by that happening it would help people to see Mormon bloggers as intelligent writers.
  4. We wanted to put on a conference where like minded people could come together and bond over their chosen hobby and not feel intimidated because they were "just a casual blogger" or "just had a silly little family blog".
  5. We wanted a Magazine style website... and I specifically wanted a picture rotating header type thing. (I think I almost killed Caroline during that design phase.)
Yesterday we came up with our new and improved list of Must Do's for MMB and in order to make it happen we need your help. Mormon Mommy Blogs has been nominated to win one of the Intuit’s Love a Local Business Campaign. It is a program where they give Small Business Grants worth $25,000 to small local businesses.

Like MMB. 

That's a serious amount of cash and that cash will help us move MMB forward toward even better things. Think swankier site and a traveling circus act. 

Not really on the circus act. 

Unless that's what you consider hearing from LDS Bloggers in mini-type-conferences around the country to be. 

We have some amazing things up our sleeves that we want to accomplish and in order to do it, we really need your help in winning this $25,000 Small Business Grant. Can you take 2 minutes and go over and vote for us?  Votes are like raffle tickets – the more votes a business has the more chances they have to win. We need your help and your votes! 

It’s been very exciting starting my own business, so I’m curious to know: What dream business would you love to start? By replying you will be entered to win an iPad 2!

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Intuit’s Love A Local Businesscompetition. The opinions and text are all mine. Contest runs August 10 to September 1, 2011. A random winner will be announced by September 6, 2011. Official Contest Rules

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