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Reader Spotlight

Today you get to meet the lovely Jenna! Jenna's is known around the blogosphere as Royalbird and has been blogging at Cluttered Musings of a Mom since 2008.

I'm a stay-at-home mother of soon-to-be six children (due March 20th). I graduated from BYU with a degree in elementary education and moved to California to teach school, where I taught second grade for two years. I met my husband and got married in California and then we moved to Idaho Falls, where I then taught a bilingual kindergarten before having my first child. At that point, I stopped teaching school full time and became a full time mom. I spent one more year subbing back in California, had my second child, and haven't taught full time since. My oldest will be ten shortly after the baby is born. I am passionate about home preschool and about education, as well as motherhood. I currently live in Utah, which is a place I never thought I'd return to after leaving BYU and spending the first eight years of our marriage in California, Idaho and Arizona.
Jenna says you need to read theses three posts:

  1. What We Can Learn from Cinderella
  2. The Doctrine of the Family
  3. Marriage and the Plan of Salvation 

Her favorite scripture is Proverbs 3:5-6: "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."

Stop by Jenna's blog and say hello! Cluttered Musings of a Mom

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