Where to start? First of all, I'm a wife, a mother, and a slave to the work force. Wait..I think I plagiarized that from the 'About Me' tab on my sidebar. It's the truth nonetheless, and sums things up-generally...
But if you want to know who I really am, the truth is- I'm a Utah native who loathes the snow, melts in the heat, and longs for a more neutral climate to call home.
When I'm not pretending the snow doesn't exist or trying to keep from melting in the heat, I can be found performing the balancing act between being a mother and my full-time job outside of the home.
Being a mother doesn't come naturally to me, and it is a daily struggle. I find the strength to carry on through prayer (usually praying that my children won't need copious amounts of therapy when I'm done mentoring them), being firm in my spiritual believes, and living comfortably in my own skin.
When time allows for day-dreaming, I indulge in visions of grandiose proportions...longing for the day that I can travel the world with my husband (whom is also my best friend), craft until my heart is content, or go just ONE full day without dirty laundry filling the small space around my washing machine.
Danielle says you need to read these posts:
Her favorite scripture is D&C 11:7: Seek not for riches but for wisdom; and, behold, the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto you, and then shall you be made rich. Behold, he that hath eternal life is rich.
Be sure to stop by and get to know Danielle! Her blog is called An Eagles View.