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Welcome Back To School! Teacher Gifts

With schools starting all over the US (and some of you still in session!) we thought we would round up some of the best teacher gifts from around the web!  It’s a great way for your child to welcome their teacher back to school!

crayon shadow box teacher gift
We LOVE this crayon shadow box!
Find a font you like, print it out, and get gluing!
It’s super cute, and PERFECT for elementary school teachers!
teacher treat jar
And how cute are these treat jar toppers from the gals at eighteen25?
You can download their free treat jar printables here.
pencil holder
Of course, every classroom needs pencils!
We love these simple pencil holders with teachers name!
Popcorn theme gift basket
This themed gift basket is brilliant!
Of course, we would probably switch out the fizzy water for some diet coke, but that’s just us. Winking smile 
oreo apple pops teacher gift
Are those candy coated oreo’s we spy?
Why yes, yes they are.
Laffy taffy leaves and pretzel stems finish off these *almost* too cute to eat treats.
Of course, we’ve also see some VERY CUTE dollar-store gift basket pictures circulating on Facebook, and think that is another fantastic way to welcome your teacher back to school!

Enjoy shopping for quality baby clothing at

